Dialogue with Nikol Pashinyan, Prime Minister of Armenia – Milan, 20 November



Dialogue with
Nikol Pashinyan
Prime Minister of Armenia
 Milan, 20 November 2019 – 6:00 pm
ISPI (Palazzo Clerici, via Clerici 5)
Roughly one and a half years after the democratic “Velvet Revolution” that brought him to power, the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan will address in ISPI some of the most urgent issues impacting Yerevan and its foreign policy.  What role is the “new Armenia” carving for itself in a volatile regional and international environment?
Prime Minister Pashinyan will be in conversation with Aldo Ferrari , Professor of Armenian and Russian Language and Culture and Head of the Russia, Caucasus and Central Asia Program, ISPI
The conversation will be live streamed on ISPI’s website and will be held in English.
Registration is required.

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