THE HOUSE TAKEN OVER im Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg

the house taken over


the house taken over
Vasco Mendonça & Katie Mitchell
Festival d’Aix-en-Provence & LOD music theatre
Based on the short story by Julio Cortázar
Libretto by Sam Holcroft
Thursday 6th and Friday 7th February 2014 at 8pm at the Grand Théâtre
In English with French and German surtitles
Duration: 1h without intermission
Adults 20 € Students 8 €
Introduction to the opera by the Amis de l’Opéra at 7.30pm (in French)
Grand Théâtre
1, Rond-point Schuman
L-2525 Luxembourg
Réservations sous Luxembourg, c/o Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg, 1, Rond-point
Schuman, L-2525 Luxembourg, tél.: + 352/47 08 95-1 (6 lignes)

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