Sensory Awareness with Pasquale Esposito



Sensory and Awareness is the base to start a research about what is real, what is original, what is an experience, what is happening right now. All those questions are important for an actor, for an artist to create.

In this intensiv weekend, we will explore the difference between sensations and perceptions. We will inquire and explore our own body as the field, the context, where sensations happen. We will work on individual and group’s exercises. Improvisations and scenes. We will go from Chi kung exercises, to martial arts exercises and Zen principles.

We will have a practical possibility to face our self and see that maybe we never really felt anything. We will be confronted with our using everything that is around us as a way to survive as an image.

The big cost we pay for that, is not living this game called life. Sensory Awareness is a practical, physical seminar on aliveness and creativity.


An appointment with Zen and Arts.



FR 18. MÄRZ 2016 18:0022:00 Uhr

SA 19. MÄRZ 2016 13:30 19:30 Uhr

SO 20. MÄRZ 2016 13:30 19:30 Uhr

250 € /230 € A&A Interner Preis


Pasquale Esposito

was born in Italy. He is a professional actor working in both theatre and film in Italy. His acting has been profoundly influenced and guided by his practice of Zen Buddhism. He has been practicing Zen (Soto) Buddhism since 1993. He was officially ordained in 2001 at the Fudenji Zen Temple in Italy.

As an actor he studied with Susan Batson in New York, F. De Sapio in . He followed the Gurdjieff’s teaching in Los Angeles, London and Rome and then with Dominique De Fazio, with whom he completed the training and became a teacher, teaching and collaborating for years at Studio De Fazio in Rome, Germany, Munich and Los Angeless.

Pasquale is president of the cultural association „Flowers in the Sky“, an organization that gathers research and cultivates the education of the Zen tradition and Art. He deepens his studies and Zen practice by traveling to different dojos in Europe and the USA. He conducts Zen and acting workshops all over Europe and practices boxing at an amateur level to keep himself awake!

„My work centers around the journey of going through an artistic and creative experience, which is in itself a process of awareness about our original self.“ Pasquale Esposito

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